24 October 2013

11 : Brother Baby Bear - Something New

Baby Bear's Brother Found...

It is with regret to announce that Baby Bear who featured in week 9 Something Borrowed blog http://ajmaaa.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/9-baby-bear-something-borrowed.html has officially been declared a missing bear... 
It appears that he made another naughty choice 48 hours ago when he snuck into the car for a routine visit to Granny's house and her specialist appointment at the hospital.  Master 4 reports that baby bear was up to his usual antics and tagged along for the majority of the day, it is unknown at what point he disappeared.  It appears he may have attempted a dangerous parachuting game where he attempted to fling at high speed out of the rear window of the car.  Unfortunately, as baby bear was not wearing a parachute this stunt has ended in tears.  Despite internet searches, multiple drives up and down Main North Road searching for his remains and visits to the hospital, there have been no signs of baby bear.  Unfortunately baby bear chose to perform his most dangerous of stunts on a day of extreme weather conditions.  Wild winds were blowing huge trees across the state onto roads and houses, therefore, a small panda bear didn't have much of a chance in these conditions.
Both boys have been in tears and hoping when the weather improved that baby bear would find his way home.  Despite officially missing for 48 hours we were unable to fill out a police report; due to his previous mischievous behaviour the police were not confident he was actually missing.  It is thought that he may, in fact, be simply off on another of his adventures. It is indeed possible and the boys and I have decided most likely, he is probably so busy on his new adventures that he may not have time to make it home at all.
We spent the morning searching eBay for other missing panda bear adverts and found, by complete chance, baby bear's brother!  He is also from China, just like baby bear, and has been cared for by an American family.  Due to brother baby bear's bad behaviour they have put him up for sale.  The boys decided that they would love to welcome him into our home and are eagerly awaiting his arrival.  Due to international flights he may take a few weeks to arrive, we are hoping that he doesn't also decide to go off on naughty adventures like his brother.
Farewell baby bear, we will always fondly remember you and miss you and hope you enjoy your new adventures.  The boys are looking forward to explaining to your brother just how naughty you were and teaching him how to play all your games with your two best friends ...

forever in our hearts baby bear ...

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